In the 1989-90 time period, I discovered some very intriguing connections. I was 21-22 years old and going to a vo-tech school to be an electrician. My mind wasn't completely in my studies, I was on a spiritual journey of sorts. I had read the Bible pretty thoroughly in my high school years, but I thought there was something lacking in the same old Bible. I looked into writings like the Gnostic Scriptures and the Dead Sea Scrolls. I discovered dates, names, and events that link the original American Woodstock festival of 1969 and at least one of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Either the original author(s) of this scroll has predicted our modern times, or history is repeating itself(with help from God) in a nearly specific way. While the name Woodstock came from the idea of holding the festival in Woodstock, NY, Woodstock was originally scheduled to be held in Wallkill, NY on 8/15, 16, & 17/69, but the people there protested. So, Woodstock ended up being held in Bethel, NY on 8/15, 16, & 17/69. I Kings chap. 12 in the Bible tells about another wonderful, amazing and yet, misguided and sinful festival held in Bethel on 8/15.(Yes, I am aware that the calendar used to schedule Woodstock is different than the Hebrew calendar. I am sure God is aware too.) The original author of about 100 B.C. interpreted several Bible verses in this particular scroll, one of those verses interpreted is Micah 2;11. In my modern Catholic translation Bible(Although I grew up in a Catholic family, I do not believe in every Catholic teaching), Micah 2;11 reads, "If one acting on impulse should make the futile claim: "I pour you wine and strong drink as my prophecy," then he would be the prophet of this people."(When prophets are referred to in the Bible, they are not necessarily true prophets from God.) Concerning this verse, the scroll author writes, "The serpents are the kings of the peoples and their wine is their ways. And the head of asps is the chief of the kings of Greece who came to wreak vengeance upon them. But all these things the builders of the wall and those who daub it with plaster (Ezek. 33; 10) have not understood because a follower of the wind, one who raised storms and rained down lies, had preached to them(Mic. 2;11), against all whose assembly the anger of God was kindled." At Woodstock Joe Cocker sang, Lets Go Get Stoned, and then, With A Little Help From My Friends. Just seconds after Joe was finished singing, it began to rain. A witness recalled that there was no rain forecasted for that day. The two songs give a negative and a positive message and therefore constitute a following of the wind. (To help convey my train of thought about the connections, I make no attempt to make money from my website or the subject matter.) Joe should not be considered the anti-Christ or anything like that. He was simply another lost sheep, with a microphone and LOTS of listeners. Also, Joe and his band stalled for the next presentation by playing for an extra 45 minutes(This is according to a quote from Michael Lang, one of the organizers of Woodstock. Michael Lang recalls Joe Cocker's performance on page 276 of Joel Makower's book, which was first published in 1989. Before this book, there was little public and in-depth information about Woodstock). Therefore, extra music was played and the tunes chosen would likely have been chosen by impulse. The words, their wine is their ways, are stated in the Damascus Document too. There are two kinds of wine involved. The other wine is the thinking that we as individuals and thus the world as a whole can not change our sinful and selfish ways. Where do the kings of Greece come in? I have to take most conspiracy theories with a grain of salt, these days. One grain of truth in them might be the Illuminati which is an ancient elitist bloodline dating as far back as Babylon and ancient Greece. The other wine here, is the thinking that we as individuals and thereby the world can never change it's selfish and sinful ways. Elitists are guilty of driving on the status quo, while many others who knew better in their hearts fell in line. We all have at least a little share in the state of the world today.
One does not need a far fetched theory about a secret society to see that the Greeks still have a strong influence on society today. The great majority of lawyers, judges, and politicians have been through college. What do we have at nearly every college? We have young people wearing T-shirts with Greeks letters on them. They are members of a fraternity or sorority. They are accepted by invitation only. So essentially, they are groups of people who set themselves apart from others as elitists(whether they really are or not). There are undoubtedly more down to earth and humble fraternities and sororities than others, but on the whole these groups strive to maintain the most prestigious public image possible. The groups rules might mention no cheating, but if it means gaining the supposed glory of the goal, than this is all that matters to all too many. These groups by isolating themselves from the rest of society and making themselves appear to be better than others, feed the idea that it is a hopelessly cruel world with few people you can really trust, but yourself. This idea of a hopelessly cruel society then can feed on itself. Then there is another Greek tradition the Olympic games, which people from all over the world compete in. While fraternities and sororities subtly feed ideas of academic elitism, the Olympic games feed athletic elitism. Many of the best athletes go on to become way over paid and over idolized. Crazed fans in a sports stadium all too often rush onto a field and not have a care in the world that they trampled someone to death! It is a truly sick society that does these things! It is much the same way with any kind of celebrity. While these old Greek ways are a wine to the writer of the Damascus Rule, the literal kind of wine can also be a menace. Too much of anything is a bad thing. Wine, drugs, sex, and money can be good things. They all can become bad things when we come to rely on them as an escape from our problems, then they can subtly lead us to separate ourselves from others. This is the worse thing for us in times of distress. Being able to lean on another person is always the best solution. This is the significance of Joe Cocker singing, Lets Go Get Stoned, and then singing, With a Little Help From My Friends, in front of 500,000 people. Some might say, this is either a case in which the writers of Micah and this Dead Sea Scroll foresaw the events of today, or history is repeating itself in a nearly spacific way. I prefer to think this; God has given Humanity yet another huge hint on THE WAY. Will we listen? We must! Complicated religious dogmas might have seemed like good ideas to self serving elitist leaders of the past. Today one of those dogmas is endangering all of Humanity, in the form of RADICAL Islam. Radical Islamic terrorists have been lead to believe that they will be rewarded in heaven for committing mass murder. Where does this kind of thinking end? I hope and pray they it does not end with nuclear weapon exchanges!
The identity of the real anti-Christ can be found by looking at more connections. King Jeroboam who organized the religious rebellion in I Kings chap. 12, feared a united kingdom under God just as certain people in America do today. A reference in the book of Revelation to the numbers 6-6-6, is well known. It may well have been known by the organizers of the Woodstock festival. Six dollars a day for three days was to be charged to those attending the festival(here we have 6-6-6). (However, so many people came they could not keep track of them all, so it was made free.) The organizers of Woodstock might have willingly put together some of these connections to antagonize those who clung to what had become traditional American Christian beliefs.(One thing that is not likely at all, is their planning of the rain storm, Joe Cocker, and the Dead Sea Scroll correlation). These beliefs were considered nonconformist in the days of the Plymouth Pilgrims! Bethel is a common town name in America. One of the meanings of the name Bethel, has come to be, a chapel for nonconformists. See references to books for proof, in images #2 and #3 below.
Below, are images from emails that I've sent and from books(the books are listed in images 2 and 3) that I use as proof of what I believe to be, a miracle that God has performed and hidden in plain sight. This miracle seems to be at least centuries old and ongoing. It is my hope that the information in this website will inspire people all over the world to seek a truly righteous path for their lives. "What is truly righteous?" is a question on many person's minds. The dates, names and events that I've linked together serve as a guideline to lead even the most misguided souls into the light. People have said that the connections I've found are an indication that history is repeating itself. Since man has invented ever greater means for us to kill each other, it is vital that the cycle is ended. With the help of modern communication technologies, all of mankind have the potential to be enlightened in one small time period. If that can be achieved, it will give evil and falsehood little or no chance of causing trouble on a grand scale again! In the pages of proof that I have provided, I have attempted to match modern events and people to those of two thousand years ago(refer to page 26). If history is repeating itself, it is doing so in a nearly specific way. Some people have already told me that I am crazy. Maybe I am a little crazy, but it's a good crazy. Never mind Islam's controversial beginnings, today it is supposed to be a religion of peace and love. I do not have any ambitions to make myself a suicide bomber for the sake of my religion, that in essence, tells me to love others and seek their well being(talking about Islam). Now that I would call crazy! The allowing of a man to have multiple wives does not seem to me to be humble and selfless at all, though. In addition to loving others and seeking their well being, one feature of my belief system would add, respect of others' freedom to make a mistake and upset God. Especially after the person has been repeatedly warned. However, if those mistakes are as grave as those mistakes that caused the tragic events of 9/11/01 are a different story. One must be allowed to defend oneself.
Being good isn't just the key to enjoying the afterlife, it is the key to mankind surviving long enough to colonize other planets.(and other feats that God has blessed man with the brains to accomplish) If it is not terrorists that will be our downfall, it will be the deterioration of our society due to loose morals. Emerging technologies have to be reined in. Just because something can be done does not mean it should be done. Cloning humans is an atrocity. I, for one, will not accept any medical treatment derived from cloning humans. I know their is a life beyond this physical one, and I am going to face it when my time comes. I believe that life is a test. God throws stumbling blocks in our way that test our faith and knowledge of what is right. For example, abortion. In my mind there is no dilemma, it is wrong. Then you have a mother and(or) mother to be, who is very likely to die in childbirth unless she has an abortion. In that situation the woman should be reminded that there are different levels of risk for most everything. In that situation, I would pray hard for the best outcome, and leave it up to the woman and the doctor to make the final decision. If all parties involved are still friends after whatever outcome, then the situation will have to been dealt with successfully. While I am a strong believer in the Ten Commandments, I am also believer in compassion and forgiveness. As great as the big ten are, life throws us situations that simply require love and understanding. A quote from Jesus' prayer, "forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us"
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July 2007; Just about anything can be taken out of context, it just depends on how much one wants to do so.
In image #3; I mentioned that I agree with Rush Limbaugh on most things other than his over jubilant attitude about capitalism. Since I have written these things I have had time to articulate, just what I mean. I have these comments in the miscellaneous section(s) of, this website. I hope that all the liberal wackos haven't all exited this website already, just because I have said the name, Rush Limbaugh. There are lots of conservative wackos out there too! From my perspective, they are both pretty much the same! Bill O'Reilly has gained popularity in more recent years. I would have to say that I agree with Bill O'Reilly more often anyone else on most issues.
In image #4; I mentioned that I thought Joe Cocker was saying "I'd go naked for my friends." The honest truth is, after listening to it for more times that I can count over the years, I can't say exactly what he is saying. He is ad-libbing a lot. He could be saying "I can make with my friends," which is nice too. In the aftermath of 9/11/01, I was thinking more along the lines of, what a great thing it would be and is for people to forget about whether they were dressed or not to rush into a burning building to save others. In a possible, but likely situation when seconds could be critical for save a life? In that situation, of course it would be appropriate. As for the question of when is it appropriate to go naked at other times and places? For me personally, I would say that I am doing the a public service by keeping my cloths on, and so would a lot of other people. I believe there should be balance to be maintained here. A balance between the weather, the activity, the time, and the place. I am thinking of the words, lead us not, into temptation. There is at least one passage in a Gnostic Gospel about going naked, but I believe it is more about knowing yourself enough to the point where you are not afraid to show your true self to others. In this rat race of a world, it is often difficult to know just who we really are, and what truly makes us the happiest and most fulfilled.